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8:00 PM @ Virtually Wednesday

Come play Sassy Lassy trivia at Virtually Wednesday starting on or about Wednesday, August 23 @ 8:00 PM.

Your lassy for the evening will be Mandi. Be nice to her, she's got special sassy powers!


  Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Total
1.)  Bees? 13 14 15 46
2.)  What do you call a pile of kittens? 14 11 16 43
3.)  El equipo perdido 13 12 12 41
4.)  Mama Megan and her slutty boys 14 7 13 38
5.)  short azz boizzzzzz 12 6 18 38
6.)  Headless Chicken 8 15 7 32
7.)  Andrea and Ryan 14 8 5 31
8.)  Fred 11 8 12 31
9.)  Taipei personality 10 0 0 10
10.)  ATL Heat 0 0 0 0
11.)  DIGGING IT 0 0 0 0
12.)  DIG 0 0 0 0