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8:00 PM @ Virtually Wednesday

Come play Sassy Lassy trivia at Virtually Wednesday starting on or about Wednesday, February 21 @ 8:00 PM.

Your lassy for the evening will be Mandi. Be nice to her, she's got special sassy powers!


  Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Total
1.)  Mama Megan and her slutty boys 15 16 14 49
2.)  Drunk Abbys 16 15 12 48
3.)  GSC players 17 13 16 46
4.)  And in last place... 14 9 16 43
5.)  One team one dream 14 10 13 41
6.)  Steamed Hams 12 13 10 37
7.)  Goin for olympic 4th place 10 14 12 36
8.)  Kelly?s heros 4 7 11
9.)  CP 4 6 10